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Richard Aboulafia

Managing Director

Richard is an internationally-known expert of aircraft and defense markets.  He manages consulting projects in the commercial and military aircraft field and analyzes broader defense and aerospace trends.  He has advised numerous companies, including most prime and many first, second- and third-tier contractors in the US, Europe and Asia. 

Richard previously wrote and edited Teal Group's World Military and Civil Aircraft Briefing, a forecasting tool covering over 135 aircraft programs and markets. He also writes publicly about aviation and defense, with regular columns in Aviation Week and Space Technology. His articles have also appeared in Foreign Policy, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, AIAA's Aerospace America, Professional Pilot, and elsewhere.

Frequently cited as an aviation industry authority by trade and news publications, Richard has also appeared on numerous television news and radio programs including ABC, BBC, Bloomberg, Reuters, CBS, CNN, NBC, NPR and PBS. He has spoken at numerous conferences, including PNAA, ATRIF, NAFA, NARA, Network for Aerospace Management in Europe (NAME), and Speednews. He presents a yearly lecture to the Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy Industry Study Program and has served as an expert witness in aerospace markets.

Before he joined Teal Group in 1990, Richard analyzed the jet engine market at Jane's Information Group, served as an aerospace industry consultant for an international trade advisory company and supported research projects at the Brookings Institution

Much of his public writing and commentary can be found at


Aircraft production & delivery forecasting

All end-user segments (air transport, military, business aviation, civil helicopter)


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