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Market & Technology Assessment

We have deep understanding of all segments of the aerospace and defense market. Our insight is driven by a rigorous research approach supported by industry-leading intellectual property, a broad contact network among the most influential executives and changemakers in the industry, and a spirit of intellectual curiosity to challenge conventional wisdom with fact-based analysis. Our understanding of market drivers as well as influencing factors that drive divergent scenarios underpins our clients’ transactions, investment decisions, and product launches with confidence. From generative AI to additive manufacturing to Advanced Air Mobility, we thrive on unpacking the economic, technological, regulatory, and market nuances of new technologies.

Credible short, medium, and long-term market forecast scenarios for specific sub-segments of A&D

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Forecasting life-of-program new-build and aftermarket demand for specific programs and platforms on behalf of aircraft and engine OEMs, suppliers, and investors

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Deep-dive assessments of market demand for new manufacturing technologies such as composites automation, additive manufacturing, software and services to enhance supply chain connectivity, etc.

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