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Depth & Breadth of Aerospace Expertise

AeroDynamic Advisory has unrivaled expertise which spans all major end-user segments including air transport, business & general aviation, defense & space, and Advanced Air Mobility. This includes both production and maintenance/sustainment activities. Richard Aboulafia's aircraft production forecast are an industry standard.

AeroDynamic: Inside the High-Stakes Global Jetliner Ecosystem 

Our perspective also runs deep - integrating all tiers of the supply chain from final assembly to raw materials. Kevin Michaels authored AeroDynamic: Inside the High-Stakes Global Jetliner Ecosystem, which is the industry standard for understanding commercial aerospace supply chains. he also developed the industry's first independent MRO forecasts in the 1990s.

This expertise enables us to assist clients in understanding how technological, market and regulatory trends will shape tomorrow's aerospace industry.

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